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Foundation Phase Ideas


Foundation Phase  

This term’s topic is ‘Where’s Wally’ and children have been studying a country within their class. Please find below some ideas for activities that could be completed during your time at home to continue the learning about the chosen country.


We do not expect you to complete all activities, possibly choose one from each area or choose the activities that interest you.  You will find an exercise book in your 'Home Learning Pack' which you can use to record any work.  


Language, Literacy and Communication

  • Write a postcard from the country
  • Write a story located in the country
  • Acrostic poem of the country
  • Make a leaflet for the tourist board, e.g. ’Come and visit…’
  • Fact file about the country (e.g. national dish/dress, flag, capital city etc.)


Mathematical Development

  • Highest mountain / longest river / oldest building
  • Timeline – ordering the history of the country
  • Counting in the national language
  • Currency – compare coins and notes with British currency
  • Find and copy the recipe for a national dish



  • Flags – draw the flag. Design a new flag
  • Landmarks – design a poster to encourage visitors
  • Famous citizens, e.g. popstars, film stars, politicians
  • Sporting achievements – Olympics, world record holders
  • Inventions – famous inventions from the country
  • Famous inventors fact file
  • Native species, e.g. plants & animals
  • Habitats – draw a suitcase, what would you pack for that country? 


Expressive Arts

  • National costume – draw the costume, make a spoon wearing the costume
  • Draw / make / build a landmark
  • Paint the national flag on a pebble
  • Collage the national emblem
  • Famous musicians – play along with a well-known song using body percussion
  • Who is the current number 1 in the charts / download charts / streaming
  • What was number 1 in the country’s chart when you were born
  • Write a song about the country


Health and Wellbeing

  • Compare your school with a school in the country
  • Design a poster to encourage children to wash their hands
  • Celebrations in the country
  • Places of worship – where do people go?
  • Religious stories from the country


