We have received a number of calls from parents to say that they have been offended by what has been written on a Tredegar Park Primary Parent Facebook page. We would like to clarify that this page has no connection to the school. We would hope that there is a strong enough relationship between the school and home for parents not to feel the need to make slanderous and derogatory comments through social media.
We kindly ask for all parents to follow our procedures and processes so that solutions to problems can be found. We would like to remind parents that the class teacher is the first point of contact for any issues raised in school. The class teacher spends a large amount of time with your child and knows them well. It is usually at this point that issues can be resolved. If parents find that a solution has not been found with the teacher (giving them a suitable amount of time) then they should arrange to speak to a Senior Manager at the school. The Senior Managers at the school are: Mrs Nichols – New Curriculum Development Lead, Mrs Bevan – Wellbeing and Equity Lead, Mrs Hynam – Additional Learning Needs Coordinator, and Mrs Morgan Boyett – Deputy Headteacher. Mrs Short our Family and Community Engagement Officer is also a person to contact at this stage. After allowing the Senior Manager time to try to rectify a problem, if the parent still feels that further action needs to be taken, an appointment should be arranged with Miss Thomas the Headteacher. Appointments with the Headteacher can be made via the school office.
We find it a shame that we have to remind some of our members of the community that if intimidating behaviour is used towards staff, the school will have no other option but to take legal action. We would like to remind parents that as a staff we try our best to provide a good education for the children we have in our care. Sometimes, due to confidentiality clauses, we are unable to state what actions are being carried out behind closed doors to support the children. For this reason, we ask parents to trust our professional judgement and to know that the children are the school’s priority.
We genuinely want the best for the children in our care. Sometimes we don’t get it right straight away, but with your help we will try our best!
Safety on Site
We kindly ask that visitors to the school site take care when driving. We have lots of young children using the site. This morning we had a very upset little boy in Year 2 who was scared by a car driving over the speed limit in the car park. Please drive safely so that we can protect our children!
Movement in Staff
Due to a range of different circumstances, the Senior Management Team have relocated staff to different areas across the school. Mrs Pitt will now teach class 6B. Miss Price will teach class 5A until Miss Dickens returns. We will ensure that there is a smooth transition for the children.
Miss Wilson in class 2A will sadly leave the school after many years of service. We will be sad to say goodbye to Miss Wilson but we wish her all the best for her new venture. Pob lwc Miss Wilson!
At the end of the month we will also say goodbye to Mrs Houghton, Miss Pitman and Mrs Szeckly as our Midday Supervisors and Breakfast Club Assistants. We wish them all the best as they begin new chapters in their lives. We are currently carrying out interviews to fill the vacancies and look forward to new members joining our team.
Final Stages of Building Work
We hope that our building work will be complete by the end of January and we can then open our new office in the first few weeks of February. We are so excited by the latest developments to the school. The staff at Tredegar Park Primary School have been working hard to develop new areas. We are currently developing a Building Block room which is dedicated to construction and woodwork. It won’t be long before we have our budding builders designing future homes! We have also recently developed our Nurture Nook. This is an area where children (and staff) can talk about their worries and anxieties in a relaxed environment. We are really pleased with the development of our Reading Room which is dedicated to our Read, Write, Inc interventions. Our Learning Link is now in use. This area has really supported the primary feel. We have recently finished our Confident Corner. This is an area which is used by Mrs Beecher to carry out ELSA sessions along with interventions for children with Additional Learning Needs. Our next project is to establish our Creative Cwtch. This is an area which will be dedicated to all things creative. This is a large area which will facilitate Cookery, Science and Art lessons…basically anything messy and creative! J
Once all rooms have been finalised, we aim to take lots of lovely pictures and put them on our website for everyone to see. We are really proud of how our school has developed over the past year and we hope that you will be too!